UI Image carrots and nutrition of carrots
UI Image carrots and nutrition of carrots

GitHub Repository: Fruit and Vegetable Classification

Fruit and Vegetable Classification is a machine learning-based project that classifies fruits and vegetables using image recognition. It demonstrates the use of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for accurate identification and categorization. Designed as a practical implementation of deep learning techniques, the project provides an engaging exploration of AI in the food industry.

Key Features:

  • Image Classification: Recognizes and classifies a variety of fruits and vegetables based on input images.

  • Deep Learning Model: Utilizes a CNN architecture to achieve high classification accuracy.

  • Preprocessed Dataset: Implements data augmentation and preprocessing for better model performance.

  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy-to-follow scripts and commands to run the classification system.

  • Customizable Pipeline: Modular codebase allows users to tweak and retrain the model on new datasets.

Technologies Used:

  • Programming Language: Python

  • Libraries: TensorFlow, Keras, NumPy, Pandas, OpenCV

  • Dataset: Publicly available fruit and vegetable image datasets (e.g., from Kaggle or custom datasets)

Challenges Solved:

  • Improved model accuracy using data augmentation techniques like rotation, flipping, and cropping.

  • Optimized the training process to handle imbalanced datasets.

  • Streamlined image preprocessing for better classification results.

UI Image of Apple nutrition
UI Image of Apple nutrition

Installation Steps

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/fanik041/Food_detection_Streamlit_project?tab=readme-ov-file

    cd Fruit_Veg_Classification

  2. Set Up Virtual Environment (Optional):
    Create and activate a virtual environment to isolate dependencies:

    python -m venv env source env/bin/activate # Linux/Mac env\Scripts\activate # Windows

  3. Install Dependencies:
    Install the required Python libraries using pip:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  4. Download the Dataset:
    Ensure the dataset is placed in the appropriate folder as defined in the project (e.g., data/). Use the default dataset or specify your own dataset path in the scripts.

  5. Run the Training Script (Optional):
    Train the model with the dataset:

    python train_model.py

  6. Run the Classification Script:
    Use the provided script to classify images:

    python classify.py --image <path_to_image>

  7. Model Testing and Evaluation:
    Evaluate the model's performance using the test dataset:

    python evaluate_model.py

Note: Ensure all dependencies, including TensorFlow and Keras, are correctly installed and compatible with your system's Python version.

Fruit and Vegetable Classification